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Using regression variables

Objectives: learn how to define and use regression variables (time varying covariates).

Projects: reg1_project, reg2_project


A regression variable is a variable x which is a given function of time, which is not defined in the model but which is used in the model. x is only defined at some time points t_1, t_2, \ldots, t_m (possibly different from the observation time points), but x is a function of time that should be defined for any t (if is used in an ODE for instance, or if a prediction is computed on a fine grid). Then, Mlxtran defines the function x by intepolating the given values (x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_m). In the current version of Mlxtran, interpolation is performed by using the last given value:

 x(t) = x_j \quad \text{for} \ \ t_j \leq t < t_{j+1} 

Continuous regression variables

  • reg1_project (data = reg1_data.txt , model=reg1_model.txt)

We consider a basic PD model in this example, where some concentration values are used as a regression variable:

input = {Emax, EC50, Cc}
Cc = {use=regressor}
E = Emax*Cc/(EC50 + Cc)

The predicted effect is therefore piecewise constant: it changes at the time points where concentration values are provided:

Categorical regression variables

  • reg2_project (data = reg2_data.txt , model=reg2_model.txt)

The variable z_{ij} takes its values in {1, 2} in this example and represents the state of individual i at time t_{ij}. We then assume that the observed data y_{ij} has a Poisson distribution with parameter \lambda_1 if z_{ij}=1 and parameter \lambda_2 if z_{ij}=2z is known in this example: it is then defined as a regression variable in the model:

input = {lambda1, lambda2, z}
z = {use=regressor}
if z==0
y = {type=count, log(P(y=k)) = -lambda + k*log(lambda) - factln(k) }
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